Services We Provide
U.S. Submergent Technologies’ standalone Combination³® cleaning system is powerful and versatile enough to remove accumulated sand and grit material from a variety of structures in submerged conditions including tanks, channels, pipes, and more from multiple industries.
Our equipment creates opportunities to reach and remove material that previously may not have been able to be reached. Facilities can remain in full operation, with no need for bypass or shutdown, and USST can reduce or eliminate the need for confined space entry.
Industries We Serve
U.S. Submergent Technologies’ cleaning system is versatile enough to service a variety of industries. Our focus is on industries with submerged structures that are difficult to clean. We are able to service industries located in Florida, Georgia, and parts of Alabama. To see a full list of the areas we serve, please click here.
- Wastewater: USST cleans hard-to-reach environments in wastewater collection and treatment systems saving municipalities time and energy costs by maintaining facilities instead of replacing infrastructure.
- Stormwater: Stormwater conveyance systems are a USST specialty, including box culverts, baffle boxes and other inline structures.
- Potable Systems: USST has the capabilities to clean at, or below grade, storage tanks.
- Oil & Gas: USST can remove sand and grit accumulation from API separators while they remain online.
- Industrial: USST can restore capacity by removing accumulated residual solids from process tanks.
- Power Plants: The removal of fly ash from settling ponds is a service USST performs efficiently and safely.
- Shipyards: USST has the ability to empty a variety of contents from ship to shore at a high rate of production.